A letter to the first of many victories for a new movement rising in the Midwest.


The presidential campaign of Anthony Manalakos


Wednesday August 9, 2023

Fellow citizens,

It feels good to fight for something you believe in and win. However, with the corruption in the statehouse all victories must be preparations for the next battle. Yesterday, the citizens of Ohio struck down the ballot initiative to change our constitution amendment process. Now, larger fights loom in the distance as we look to remove the state from our fellow female citizen’s reproduction decisions and more.

I started my Presidential campaign swinging in the shadows after our people were poisoned and abandoned in East Palestine. They STILL have not been taken care of in a manner befit of a nation of our stature. I have only been a part of politics for a few months and it has been a difficult endeavor attempting to inspire citizens to a great deal more power in their own lives. It has been made more difficult by a national Democratic party that no longer believes in free speech and is barely tethered to law. I will continue to use my Presidential campaign to remind citizens of their own power and to help stoke the imaginations around self-governance once more. My fellow citizens , it starts here, in the heart of it all. To rebellion. Thank you and working people stick together.